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Grenade by Alan Gratz Reviewed by: Jeel (Grade 10) Rating: 5/5. Grenade is a book that tells a story of a brave young boy who experiences the reality of war. This book is told from a 13 year-old Okinawan boy’s point of view, Hideki Kaneshiro as well as from an American soldier, Ray Majors. The war between Japan and America had made small teenage boys join the military. This huge war resulted in Hideki’s mother’s and brother’s death. Hideki’s sister, who is a nurse, ends up in a refugee camp, where sooner or later Hideki ends up. Once Hideki is forced to join the Japanese army, he has given clear instructions with 2 grenades, to kill as many Americans as possible using one of the grenade and kill yourself woth the last grenade. Killing a human being has left Hideki shocked and regretful. This is an amazing book with lots of violence as well as courage and bravery. I have given this book a rating of 5/5 because it meets all my expectations to consider a book great. I would recommend this book to anyone above the age of 11 as it includes lots of scenes of bloodshed and violence that can impact the thoughts of a small kid. This book is a great way to acknowledge the effort and pain of soldiers all over the world, fighting at borders to keep their citizens or residents safe so that they can stay relieved knowing the fact that they are safe. Reading this book has inspired me to overcome challenges in my life that may seem smaller than the ones the soldiers have faced.



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