Information Barrie

Information Barrie is a community information and referral service, bringing people and services together. It’s a part of our Information Services Department at the library.

Community Information Directory

Search our Community Information Directory to find services available in Barrie and surrounding area.

The directory has over 2000 entries covering a wide range of topics, and includes information about non-profit agencies, government offices, health services, clubs and special interest organizations, volunteer opportunities, daycare services, support groups and counselling services in the Barrie area.

Get added to the Directory

The Community Information Directory collects information on local human services that focus on the personal and social growth of people. The directory focuses primarily on government, voluntary and nonprofit organizations.

If you think your organization might be eligible for entry, you can Suggest a New Record through the online directory or fill out our Data Collection Form and return it to the library in person, by mail or fax.  For any questions about getting added to the directory, please call 705-728-1010 ext. 2280 or ext. 2281, or email

Inclusion in the Community Information Directory does not imply endorsement by Information Barrie, nor does exclusion imply lack of endorsement.

Community Volunteer Database

Search our Volunteer Database to find volunteer opportunities available in Barrie and surrounding area. Search for opportunities by Organization, Area of Interest, Age and more.

Is your organization looking for volunteers? Post an opportunity in the Volunteer Database free of charge. 

Community Bulletin Boards

Check out what's happening in our community! Interested in promoting your event? Please review our Community Info Acceptance Guidelines then submit your poster for consideration to  

Community Display Tables 

Local non-profit organizations can increase awareness about the work that their organizations do in our community by setting up a Community Display Table at the library.  

  • Temporary installations are limited to social agencies or community-based non-profit, non-partisan groups
  • Solicitation of funds is not permitted
  • Requests will be considered individually subject to available space in Library locations   
  • The location and timeline of an installation will be agreed upon with Library Staff  
  • See Application for Community Display Table

Contact us

If you want help in person, come into the library and talk to one of our staff members. We can answer your questions about community services and events, or provide you with pamphlets and brochures on a variety of topics. You can also reach us at 705-728-1010 or

Other Community Information Directories for Simcoe County and Beyond

Contact Community Services *

Community Connection *

Community Reach *

Information Orillia *

North Simcoe Muskoka Healthline

211 Ontario *


* Barrie data provided by Information Barrie

Information Barrie is one of approximately 30 members of InformOntario, the Association of Community Information Centres in Ontario.