Digital Library
Access the library online through our Digital Library. The Digital Library offers a wide range of eBooks, eAudiobooks, videos, streaming music, and research databases for assignments and projects - all available for free with a library card! Your BPL library card opens up a new digital world, where you can read, listen, watch and learn - direct from your personal device.
Need a library card?
Apply online and get a free library card, so much to discover!
View our Information Barrie Community Database and explore the Youth heading to get contact information about employment, recreation, mental health and LGBTQ supports.
Looking for a way to earn volunteer hours?
Make new friends and help out the library while earning your volunteer hours. We welcome applications from students to become our Teen Reviewers. Contact volunteers@barrielibrary.ca for more details. There may be other community groups looking for student volunteers, take a look at some options by visiting the community volunteer database.
BPL Leaders & Innovative Teens (LIT)
Join BPL LIT and develop leadership skills by representing the Barrie Public Library at your schools, in library programs, and at community events. Achieve common goals by assisting in the planning and delivery of teen-related programs and special events. Earn volunteer hours by participating in empowering opportunities that develop leadership skills. For more information contact: volunteers@barrielibrary.ca
Borrowing Items
Use your library card to access our digital library and research on a wide range of subjects. Find magazine and newspaper articles using our databases to support your school projects and assignments. Log in to your account to view the items you have checked out, renew them or place a hold to get the books you need.