Freedom to Read
Public libraries offer unparalleled free access to books, magazines, newspapers and other materials. This is essential to create an equitable and accessible, and informed society. Throughout history, people have challenged certain titles, looking to limit public access to these materials in libraries, book stores, and schools.
Statement on Intellectual Freedom
The Barrie Public Library endorses the Statement on Intellectual Freedom and Libraries adopted by the Canadian Federation of Library Associations:
The Canadian Federation of Library Associations recognizes and values the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms as the guarantor of the fundamental freedoms in Canada of conscience and religion; of thought, belief, opinion and expression; of peaceful assembly; and of association.
The Canadian Federation of Library Associations supports and promotes the universal principles of intellectual freedom as defined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which include the interlocking freedoms to hold opinions and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers. Read the full statement.
Reflecting the Community
The Barrie Public Library serves our community and provides a safe, welcoming destination for all. Collection-based programs and partnerships enable us to build neighbourhoods which are informed, engaged, empowered and participative. As our collections should accurately reflect our community and respond to local needs, we actively seek input from community members and external groups as we define directions and make decisions.
We also follow the Selection Principles and criteria outlined in our Collections Policy that aim to support the information, recreation, and cultural needs of our community. Learn more about our selection criteria by checking out our Collection’s Policy.
Challenged Works