BPL Leaders & Innovative Teens (LIT)

BPL Leaders & Innovative Teens (LIT)

BPL Leaders & Innovative Teens (LIT) are a group of students between the ages of 14 to 19 who are passionate about the library. With representatives from various Barrie high schools and home schools, members assist in teen program planning, promote reading, and help create a great environment for teens at the library!

BPL LIT is a fun and rewarding way to complete your 40 hours of community service, learn valuable leadership skills, build your resume and make new friends and community connections. Meetings are monthly over the Zoom platform. 

For more information about how you can join the BPL LIT group, please contact Emily Fleming at volunteers@barrielibrary.ca


Check out BPL LIT radio and TV commercials on our YouTube page, or have a listen to radio commercials: Alexia, Where Stories Come to Life, Open For BusinessTAB Friends commercialTAB God's Plan commercialTAB Havana commercial. Thanks to Kool FM for their generous support.



Networking 101: A Student’s Biggest Strength

April 25, 2022
  When I first entered high school as a freshman, I remember hearing this one word and feeling my anxious little introverted heart just squeeze right up. The word: networking. I was, and quite honestly still am, an awkward girl who spent most of my...

500 Mask project #risingyouth

April 21, 2021

COVID-19 is increasingly becoming more difficult to mitigate, as more cases have been rising. In the midst of this, I am happy that I was able to complete a project that helped at least partially mitigate the virus for someone. Back in August, I was fortunate to receive grant funding, though an organization called TakingITGlobal, to be able to make 500 face cloth masks for the staff at Grove Park Home, and Simcoe Manor Beeton.