Application & Eligibility Guidelines
This application is intended for community display tables within the Downtown and Painswick Barrie Public Library locations. Display installations are limited to social agencies or community-based non-profit, non-partisan groups only. No solicitation of funds is allowed. All requests will be considered individually subject to space availability.
The location of displays will be agreed upon and may not be set up without the expressed consent of the Barrie Public Library. The display will be installed in a location that does not block entrances and exits and does not disrupt the normal business of the library.
Display duration is a maximum of one week, including set-up and dismantling. It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that the display is erected and dismantled within the confirmed time frame. Agreement to display on the part of Barrie Public Library does not automatically grant on-going access. The Library reserves the right to terminate the display at any time within the agreement. The user will be notified by the library, if the display is dismantled.
A 6 or 8-foot table will be provided, please ensure your display items are limited to the table top. A professionally printed pull-up banner can be positioned directly adjacent to the display. Oversized items will not be permitted. Barrie Public Library does not provide electronic equipment or materials for display purposes. The display can be hosted by a volunteer or employee of the community group. Library patrons must approach the table for additional information, no solicitation of library patrons is permitted.
Appearance and Responsibility
A tablecloth should be provided by the group to ensure a professional display. All display materials and supplies must be provided by the user. It is the user’s responsibility to maintain the appearance of the display through regular supervision or site checks. Barrie Public Library is not responsible for the security of the display items.