
Looking for inspiration for your next read, movie, or video game? Here are some suggestions from our Teen Reviewers.

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What a perfect book at the perfect time. Kate Bowler is the first author to touch upon this ever

touchy subject with honesty, integrity, and faith.

No Cure for Being Human tells the story of Bowler and her diagnosis of Stage 4 Colon Cancer.

With only two years to live, she decides to tell her story.

I always try to put myself in their shoes, but no matter what, no shoe will ever fit the truth of their

anxiety and suffering, but Bowler's book is raw, human, and touches upon the inner struggles

with authenticity.


As a mother herself, she shares the fears and joys of raising a son. She knows she may not be

alive to see his next birthday yet she searches for normalcy as a way of coping and living.

Bowler ends up being one of the lucky one and beats the odds. Her story finishes up with a brief

dive into the struggles of the COVID pandemic. Even in this moment, Bowler doesn't shy away

from sharing the truth. While the initial moments of the pandemic may have felt like a

resurrection of family time, it also brought on raw struggles for people all around the world.

I can't say enough good things about Bowler's memoir and would recommend it over and over. I

would like to add that Bowler's attempt at this very uncomfortable yet important subject matter seemed to be even more authentic.

seemed to be even more authentic.


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