
Looking for inspiration for your next read, movie, or video game? Here are some suggestions from our Teen Reviewers.

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The movie I've watched is directed by Dylan Vox, it's called "A party gone wrong". This movie really did shed some light on what actually happens in the real world and that this sort of stuff does actually happen. I think a lesson you could learn from this movie is to be cautious of who you're friends with, the people you trust, and the places you go with them. The actors and actresses showcased their emotions really well and you could really feel their pain/fear throughout the horrific scenes of the movie. I was not expecting some things in the movie, they gave me a fun shock. The movie itself really showed how some people in this world are just plain awful and go by no morals. I think it's important for everybody to know that the world really is a scary place and they should always be looking out for themselves and others if something ever looks suspicious or odd. It also showed how even your friends don't always turn out to be the good guys and to always know your friends really well and make sure they or anyone they're close with would do nothing to harm you. In summary this movie is overall well written and I would recommend it to anyone looking for a thrilling movie to watch when you're in the mood to watch something that'll make your skin crawl. I give this film a 4/5 rating.


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