
Looking for inspiration for your next read, movie, or video game? Here are some suggestions from our Teen Reviewers.

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I’d rate this movie 4 out of 5 stars. 


Cruella is a prequel to the story of 101 Dalmations based on the book by Dodie Smith. The movie is about a little girl Estella with a tendency to mischief which her Mother blames on her other personality Cruella. After watching her mother die she travels to London and meets two other orphans Jasper and Horace who become her family. The three of them survive by a life of crime. Estella makes them disguises and they steal from shops and hotels, but her real dream is to become a fashion designer. 

After Jasper manages to get Estella a cleaning job in Liberty’s, she is noticed and starts designing for the Baroness. When she learns more about the Baroness, Cruella starts to overtake Estella and becomes a rival fashion designer. 


I gave this movie a four out of five because I think it was filmed really well, I liked the music.  I did not give it five because I did not enjoy the story. If you are interested in fashion design you might like it more. 


For a Disney movie Cruella was very dark. It is rated PG -13. I would recommend it to age 14 + as I think younger children could be upset at some of the scenes. It’s not really a fun family Disney movie. Make sure you watch the credits because there is an additional scene which makes you think a second film is being made. 


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