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Avatar The Way Of Water

Lyza Grade 12


Avatar: The Way of the Water is a stunning film with a deep, meaningful message. This film is not only deeply moving, but it also features some of the most breathtaking landscapes, high-quality video, and visual enhancements I've ever seen. The previous Avatar 1 characters Jake Sully and Neytiri, along with their new family and adopted daughter, make their first appearance in the film. The film continues by providing those watching a brief glimpse into their new family lives to the new characters; the Sully brothers, the daughter of the former scientist Dr.Grace’s, Kiri and the youngest child in the family, Tuktirey. The movie quickly jumps into conflict when the Sky people and Quatrich (movie’s biggest villain) return. Conflict rises and the Sully’s fight Quatrich and his group of soldiers. The Sully’s had to leave their home in the woods and travel in quest to find a new home in the oceanic region, where they were met by a new clan of Na'vi people who resided close to the sea. I love the small details that are put in this movie, the other clan of Na’vi people; Metkayina Clan are lighter blue shade and have bigger tails with fins which means they would’ve had to adapt to their biological environment which gives them more ease to swim and live around the water.  The Sully’s were taken in and the Metkayina clan taught them their way of life. The scenes watching the Sully’s learn and meet new animals was my personal favorite; we as the viewers get to see a new variety of animals as well as meet new characters and learn their norms. The viewers also fall in love with Tulkuns: giant sea creatures that have a spiritual connection with the Na’avi people. The way that the Metkayina people interacts with the Tulkuns is beautiful to watch and learning about the history of Tulkuns is truly heartfelt. As the movie arises with conflict once again, be aware that you might shed a tear as this movie has some very sad and touching scenes. I love how Avatar does an amazing job at spreading awareness about nature conservation and encouraging their viewers to honor the beauty of nature and to cherish the planet we live in.


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