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The Covid-19 pandemic has significantly impacted various aspects of our daily life, including education, jobs, social gatherings, and mental health. During the fast rotation in the new “quadmester” system, students were faced with challenges to understand key academic concepts in a short period of time. This has led to many feeling overwhelmed with the workload and burning out. However, there are many ways where you can maintain healthy mental well-being and prevent stress and fatigue.


One of the things you can do to keep good mental health is to use the gratitude journal. Every day, find a journal, notebook, or just a piece of blank paper, and take a few minutes to write five things that you are grateful for from the past week. According to “The Happiness Equation” by Neil Pasricha, reflecting on five gratitudes can make you feel happier and physically healthier. Thinking about positive experiences helps us re-create things that we like in our minds and let us practice developing an appreciation for the environment that surrounds us.


As well, it is very important to be physically active to achieve healthy mental well-being. Taking a walk around your neighborhoods for 30 minutes can release stress, reduce the risk of depression, and boost your overall mood and enthusiasm. You can exercise with free online videos for health and wellness to get active during this time, too!


Also, remember to spend time for yourself. Spend your time doing something you truly love and makes you happy. You could find a new hobby, learn a new instrument, set a goal for your self-success, meditate daily, and much more. It allows you to take a break from the pressure and let your body recharge and build self-confidence. 



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