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The Love Hypothesis

Ali Hazelwood

Zahra, 10



The Love Hypothesis is a book written by Ali Hazelwood. It is a contemporary romance novel that follows the story of Olive Smith. Olive is a smart biologist as a third-year Ph.D candidate. She has had troubles with her relationship, especially her last one. Where her best friend, Anh ends up liking him. Olive wants to convince Anh that it's okay to like/date him and that they will both be happy. She does this by saying that she is already in a relationship. But, the night she was supposed to be on a “date”, Anh catches her in the hallway. Olive panics and quickly kisses the first man that she sees. The man was Adam Carlsen, who is a young professor and is known to be a jerk. From there, the story takes off into something unimaginable. 


This book has been something I have been wanting to read for a while. When I finally picked it up and started reading, I couldn't put it down. I always wanted to read it and know what happened next. This book was adorable and was so fun to read. The great chemistry between Adam and Olive was well displayed especially in the setting of University. This book was extremely well written from the start to end. It had great moments that made you feel excited and happy and other times where you had to put the book down to process everything. But you would pick it right back up to get to the good moments/a better place in the book (if this makes sense). 


I would recommend this book for ages 15 and older. This is because of some parts in the book where you need more maturity than others. If you like cute/contemporary romance books, this is right up your alley. 



Thank you,

Zahra A


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