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November 9th

Colleen Hoover

Zahra, 10



November 9th is a book written by Colleen Hoover that follows the story when Fallon meets Ben. Ben is a novelist and Fallon is an actor. They meet the day of her flight for a cross-country move to New York. As they spend the day together, they realize the interaction and the connection they share is special. Ben comes up with the idea of meeting every November 9th for five years in a row and writing a book about their interactions/feelings/experiences, etc. They will live their own separate lives but continue to meet on the same day every year. Until 1 November 9th, Fallon is hesitant about Ben and if he is telling the truth or not. 


The first time I read a book from Colleen Hoover (It End With Us), I knew she was going to be one of my favourite authors and that I should read all her books. She is such a talented writer, in every aspect. She can really paint a picture in your head through the perfect amount of detail. This book was so different and unique in its own way. It completely took an unexpected turn and surprised me along the way. One thing I really liked about this book was the duo-chapters. Meaning each character got a chapter to describe their way of viewing everything. This book nailed it on the different perspectives of the two characters. THis book took you on an emotional roller coaster from start to end. You would love something then completely be thrown off and heart-broken on the next page. 


I would recommend this book to anyone over the age of 15. Mostly due to the level of maturity needed and touchy subjects. But, if you like unexpected twists and turns and like being surprised, this book is great for you. 


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