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Aru Shah and the Song of Death

By: Roshani Chokshi 

Reviewed by Nila, Grade 10 

Rating: 4.5/5


I loved reading this book. I had high hopes for this sequel, and Aru Shah and the Song of Death really delivered. Usually reading the second book in a series is a let down from the first book, but this was not the case with Aru Shah. I loved how the new characters, Aiden and Brynne were introduced. As I kept reading, I really liked how the author developed the backstories of each character, and the depth in these characters. The sister dynamics between Brynne, Mini, and Aru, felt very natural, and added a lot of humor to this book. The plot follows Aru, while she tries to clear her name after being accused of stealing the god of love's bow and arrow. In order to prove her innocence, she needs to travel through the Naga Realm, with her Pandava sisters, Mini and Brynne, and Aiden. This book also had a few heartstopping moments, and you will be shocked at some of the plot twists. Overall, this book had a lot more complexity than I was expecting for a middle-grade book. This book has similar themes to Percy Jackson, and Harry Potter, so I would recommend it to fans who loved Percy Jackson. 



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