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The Queen of Nothing


Author : Holly Black


Reviewer : Franz - Grade 11


Rate : 5/5


The Queen of Nothing is the third and last book in the Folk of the Air series by Holly Black. Jude, who was exiled in the human world, is approached by her twin sister Taryn to ask for a favour. Her sister was being put on trial for a heavy crime that she allegedly committed, and because Jude can’t be glamoured by anyone, Taryn asks her to go in her place. Even though Taryn betrayed Jude so many times, her love for her sister was very strong and her want to go back to Elfhame was even stronger. She risked her life to go back to Elfhame, and while being there she was undercover again (I absolutely love spy Jude), and fought for her place in the high-court as the High Queen. Jude deals with misunderstandings, heavy threats of war, bloodshed, curses, and her love for her husband, the High King Cardan.


This is most probably one of the best fantasy trilogy I’ve read in my life. I’m proud to say that I read the whole series in the span of 2 weeks, considering how busy I’ve been lately. This book was just written so well that I finished it in one sitting. There was that one misunderstanding from The Wicked King (the second book) that was resolved in this book, which made me feel really relieved. Jude and Cardan’s love for each other is definitely end game in this book, and it makes me really happy knowing it. I would absolutely never stop recommending this trilogy to anyone because it’s just plain amazing. Although, I am quite disappointed that I’ll never get to read them for the first time ever again, and feel the same emotions I did while reading them.


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