
Looking for inspiration for your next read, movie, or video game? Here are some suggestions from our Teen Reviewers.

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The book was great, it is talking about a little girl named Rebecca who lived with her  mother and her father. One day her mother told her to give the fruit to her grandmother.Rebecca walked to the jungle to give a bucket of fruit to her and then there was a wolf watching Rebecca walking in the jungle so the wolf walked to and then said “ Hey little girl ! Where are you going ?’’ Rebeca said  “ I’m going to give the bucket of fruit to my grandmother that lives at the house over there.’’ The wolf said, “Ok’’ and then the wolf walked to Rebecca's grandma’s house and then captured her grandma and then disguise as a grandma and waited for Rebecca to come and then eat her. Rebecca opened the door and saw the wolf lay down on the bed, but she thought that it was her grandmother “ Grandma, I came here to give you a bucket of fruit and why are you sleeping on the bed ?”

The wolf said , “Oh.. dear, I was a little bit sick, that's why I need to sleep sweetie.” and then The wolf shows up and tries to eat Rebecca. Rebecca screamed for help  and then there was a Huntsman walking past. Grandma’s house and heard a noise from the house. The huntsman showed up and saw a wolf try to eat Rebbecca . The huntsman shot the wolf and the wolf is dead. and then they found her in the closet and then they will live together. Happy Ending. The reason I love this is because it can teach a lot to the children, for example, to listen to their parents and don’t talk or don’t go with strangers.


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