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Mars Needs Moms is a 2011 3D animated movie directed by Simon Wells. The movie is based on the children's 'Mars Needs Moms' by Berkeley Breathed. It starts with the main character, Milo (Seth Green) refusing to listen to his mom (Joan Cusack) and her nagging him to do chores all the time. Stating that he has no time for this and clearly expressing his feelings against chores and eating vegetables. His mom gets mad when he tries feeding the cat his broccoli instead of eating himself, so she tells him to head to bed. He responded to that by saying "My life would be so much better if I didn't have a mom." Hearing that she put her head down and closed his bedroom door. Later in the evening he felt bad for his words and headed to his mom's room to apologize only to realize she wasn't there. Heading to the backyard he notices a huge rocketship with his mom inside, which sets the plot into motion. I would give this movie 3 out of 5 stars given that the journey which Milo goes on didn't hold much emotion that could have possibly made this movie a little more memorable. On the other hand, the technological part of the animation was very fascinating by the way that they realistically showed human actions and expressions. I would say this movie would best resonate with children eight and older given that it was a pretty emotional and heartfelt film.


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