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Champion by Marie Lu

Reviewed by Eri

This book is the 3rd book of the Legend series by Marie Lu. In this book, Day, the male main character, suffers from a major brain injury, and his health is slowly deteriorating. He reunites with June, the female main character after several months apart. This book is about June and Day’s home, the Republic, being invaded by the Colonies, and what June and Day go through to protect their home and themselves. They persevere through a lot, both together and apart. Day’s health spirals downwards, and June has her hands full with Anden, as well as trying to keep the Republic strong amidst the invasion. There also is a new, more deadly plague going around. This new plague shuts down the Republic into a quarantine. Will the Republic survive the Colonies attack? Or will the Republic be taken over by the Colonies? 


This book is very intriguing and will keep you reading to find out what happens next. I like this book because it is the perfect mix of a dystopian and romance book. I have also read and enjoyed the first two books. I loved reading this book because it kept me wanting more, to the point where once I finished the book I went to search if there was another book to continue the series.


I would recommend this book to people who have already read the first two books in the series, or people who are fans of the dystopian genre, and the romance genre. I also would recommend this book to people who like the author, Marie Lu. If you’ve read and enjoyed books like The Maze Runner, or Hunger Games, you might also enjoy this book.


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