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My name is Emilio, and I would rate Denzel Curry’s Melt My Eyez See Your Future a 4/5, as Curry delivers a consistent, lush tracklist that never fails to disappoint with each listen. Denzel Curry takes aspects from his previous albums such as TA1300 and ZUU to deliver a melancholic, melodic, and story-driven album to show a more vulnerable side to his character. The album acts as Denzel’s self-reflection, as it represents his internalization of how he perceives different issues and sides of the world. This idealogy is best presented through the album’s production, giving a set of woozy, mellow, and ethereal styles to complement the mysterious aspect of Curry’s self-reflection. Tracks such as Melt Session #1 and Walkin have a graceful beat that uses soft pianos and angelic vocals that accompany Curry’s animated and energetic flows. It creates a sense of intimacy and Denzel’s delivery on every track is more impactful with the backing production as the softer sounds make his voice more profound. Denzel’s unique flow and cadence glide through every track to the point where he makes it feel effortless. Highlights of Denzel’s vocal performance include tracks such as Walkin, X-Wing, and The Smell of Death, which emphasize Denzel’s versatility from rapping to singing. Although I have talked about the woozier, melodic performances within the tracklist, Curry is not afraid to use his rapper roots to have energetic, dynamic rapping performances as seen on tracks like Sanjuro and Zatoichi. The album successfully delivers an introspective rapping and melodic performance from Denzel Curry and takes you on a trip to the mind of Denzel Curry. The album is best to be played in both chill and hype atmospheres as the tracks within the album can fulfill both roles. If you are a fan of Denzel’s previous work, you will not be disappointed with what he can offer. If you are new to Denzel’s work but are looking for a cohesive, woozy album that is highly replayable, I would also recommend this album.


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