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Reviewed by Emilio

With the introduction to the game’s sequel, Hades II, I think it is time that we look back upon its prequel, the roguelike masterpiece created by Supergiant Games, Hades for the Nintendo Switch. My name is Emilio, and I would rate Hades a 4.5/5 as its mix of gorgeous artistry and compelling voice acting blend well with its supporting gameplay. The story tells a unique take on the story of Hades, as it focuses on his son, Zagreus, on his journey to exit Hell to reach the surface. The Gods of Olympus are in support of Zagreus’ ideals and Hades is doing all within his might to obstruct his wishes. Supergiant Games manages to flesh out all of the game’s aspects and refines the qualities that made their previous games so successful. Their unique art style is on full display, as they mix both hand-drawn environments and 3-D models to make their designs pop out. In addition, Hades is complemented by a wonderful score created by Darren Korb, using a mixture of both ethnic instruments and rock instruments to demonstrate the mysterious nature of both the characters and the environment. The music is adaptive and ranges from ambient, peaceful themes within each area, to hard-rock, progressive songs within their battle themes to represent fear. However, the main highlight within Hades is both the gameplay and the voice acting. Understand that the game is difficult and you will be expected to die frequently, but with every death creates a learning experience of what you should do differently in that situation. The game is a high-octane, action-packed one where you control Zagreus in a 3D space using the powerups, or ‘boons’, to tackle a wave of enemies to make combat effortless. You are rewarded with endless abilities and weapons and since it is a roguelike game, you will not have the same equipment every time, leading to a unique experience with every playthrough. The gameplay makes the game itself highly replayable as you are given a new experience, whether it is how you approach the game, the equipment you are given, or if you want to play on different modes such as a timed mode, which acts as an in-built speedrun. Another captivating aspect is the voice acting within the game, acted by the entire cast of the people who made Hades, even though they are not considered voice actors. But do not let that fool you, the voice acting in the game is compelling and fits each character beautifully. Some voice-acting highlights include Zagreus, Thanatos, Hades, Nyx, and Meg. Overall, I believe that Hades is a wonderful roguelike experience and would give my highest recommendation to those who seek a thrilling, unique, action-packed experience that rewards them for multiple playthroughs.


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