
Looking for inspiration for your next read, movie, or video game? Here are some suggestions from our Teen Reviewers.

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Fugitive Telemetry is the sixth Muderbot diary book, where we follow the adventures of a security android that escaped and named itself Muderbot. In this novella, Murderbot has to help station security solve a murder mystery on Preservation Station, where it lives with its human friends and allies. Along the way, it has to deal with annoying humans, antagonistic corporations, and social anxiety. The book is a standalone story set before the events of Network Effect, the fifth and only novel in the series. The book is fun and thrilling Murderbot has a distinctive voice and character. Murderbot is a sarcastic, self-aware, and media-obsessed narrator who often comments on the absurdity of human behaviour and the flaws of its programming. He is also a loyal, compassionate, and heroic character who cares deeply about their friends and tries to protect them from harm. It is also a masterfully crafted story full of surprises and twists. The book delves into themes of identity, autonomy, morality, and friendship through Murderbot's eyes and adventures. This book is a treat for sci-fi fans, especially those who enjoy stories with artificial intelligence, space opera, and humour. This book is also for readers who appreciate a diverse and inclusive cast of characters, as the book showcases humans and machines of different genders, sexualities, races, and cultures. I recommend this book to anyone who likes clever, funny, and action-packed stories with a heart. This book is excellent, but I was left wanting more. It was too short.


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