Novel: The Giver
Author: Lois Lowry
Name and Grade: Muskan, (Grade 11)
Rating: 5/5
This is the first book I read outside of school, and this is the book that lead me into my passion of reading. An incredible book, and a timeless classic that I read at 11, then again at 15 and 16. This is one of the books you’ll never get bored of. Following the story of a young boy named Jonas who lives in a wynorrific society where distress and sadness is as unfamiliar as seeing colour. Only The Giver (who is in charge of giving memories), can see colour. In this society everything is chosen for you. At age 12, your career is picked for you, a career you will do continuously for the rest of your life. Even your partner, sibling, and family is pre-chosen. However, Jonas was never given a normal job. Jonas was assigned the opportunity of The Receiver. The Receiver is the individual who receives the memories from the giver. As the story leads on, Jonas is faced with challenges. For example, a newborn baby that Jonas’s family “illegally” cares for at night. Jonas becomes more and more attached to the newborn named Gabriel and can only help him sleep at night by giving him memories. Jonas must also face the burden of making individual decisions for himself rather than as a member of his futuristic society. The first line of the book will surely convince you to read this book, and you’ll definitely read it again and again; “It was almost December, and Jonas was beginning to be frightened.” Frightened of what? Pick up the book and find out.