
Looking for inspiration for your next read, movie, or video game? Here are some suggestions from our Teen Reviewers.

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The boy is a psychological thriller and horror film directed by William Brent Bell. The movie revolves around a beautiful American woman, Greta, who moves to Britain to take a job as a nanny to a little boy. Weirdly enough, the little boy was not a boy, but a life-size porcelain doll. The Heelshires gave Greta a strict list of rules that she has to follow every day to take care of the boy, Brahms. Greta ignores the rules and does what she wants around the house until strange events continuously start to happen like her clothes or shoes going missing after putting them in a very visible spot. These unexplainable incidents make Greta believe that the Heelshires weren’t as crazy as she thought; that porcelain doll is alive. 


I was told that this movie was really great, and I think it was good, but it’s just not my favourite. I honestly thought that this was going to be an absolutely horrifying movie, but it was quite tolerable. The jump scares weren’t too scary which I’m thankful for because they’re the reason why I don’t watch horror films often. The beginning was boring to me, and it wasn’t until halfway through the movie that I started getting into it. However, I absolutely loved Lauren Cohan’s acting here, and I didn’t even know that she also acted in movies, not just TV series. Overall, I would still recommend this to others because I think that Brahms is quite a likeable character even though he’s technically the antagonist. 


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