
Spotlight on ...
Learn It Live
OpenLearn It Live offers daily online live and recorded classes. Topics include health, wellness, parenting and personal development. There's also a strong focus on career development, leadership, management, communication, sales and teambuilding.
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MERCK Manual
OpenOne of the world’s most widely used medical information resources. The manuals contain information on medical topics, symptoms, drugs, procedures, news, videos, self-assessment tools and a guide to medical terminology.
HEALTH | Online classes, articles, local resources, and more
BPL Digital Library Academy
OpenGetting Started and 'how-to' guides for online library resources.
Features tips and troubleshooting for eBooks, getting started with online databases like SimplyAnalytics or Ancestry and tutorials on common tools like Email and Zoom.
For personalized Tech Coach sessions register in our online events calendar.
Consumer Health Complete
OpenComprehensive health and wellness information for patients and non-experts.
Search or browse by topic and get full-text articles, fact sheets and reports from a range of medical and alternative sources. Also features a directory of drugs, herbal and nutritional supplements.
County of Simcoe Data Portal
OpenLocal and customized data covering social & demographic information from the census, immigration data and real-time data on shelter utilization & system flow.
A great resource for research on who and how people are living in Barrie and Simcoe County .
Gale eBooks - Health & Medicine
OpenA collection of online ebooks covering a variety of health topics including in-depth resources for both physical and mental health. Examples include Genetic Disorders, Children's Health, Senior Health, Alternative Medicine, Encyclopedia of Drugs, Diets, Surgery & Medical Tests, Cancer, and Pregnancy & Childbirth.
Information Barrie Community Directory
OpenIncludes information about non-profit agencies, government offices, health services, clubs and special interest organizations, volunteer opportunities, daycare services, support groups and listings for many private counsellors and counselling services in the Barrie area.
Also includes sub-sections for local community food programs and volunteer opportunities.
MERCK Manual
OpenOne of the world’s most widely used medical information resources. The manuals contain information on medical topics, symptoms, drugs, procedures, news, videos, self-assessment tools and a guide to medical terminology.
Salem Press Health e-Books
OpenDetailed reference books on physical health, mental health and diseases.
Includes: Adolescent Health & Wellness, Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Magill's Medical Guide, Psychology and Mental Health, Salem Health: Cancer and Salem Health: Nutrition.
Teen Health and Wellness
OpenNonjudgmental self-help support for middle and high school students. Topics include diseases, drugs, alcohol, nutrition, mental health, suicide, bullying, LGBTQ+ issues, and more.
See the Hotlines webpage or mobile app for confidential and professional help.