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A thousand boy kisses


Author : Tillie Cole


Reviewer : Franz - Grade 11


Rate : 4.5/5


Rune Kristiansen, a five-year-old Norwegian boy who moved to Blossom Grove, Georgia, where he met a little girl named Poppy Litchfield. They grew up together, became the best of friends, and made many memories. When Poppy’s grandma passed away, she promised to fill a jar with a thousand boy kisses, and nine-year-old Rune promised to fulfill it with her. Years later, Rune left Blossom Grove, Georgia and moved back to Oslo, Norway with a heavy heart due to his father’s work. Rune and Poppy lost communication after a few months, and when Rune finally came back two years later, a piece of devastating news welcomed him. 


There wasn’t a massive conflict that happened in the book, but the amount of emotions I felt while reading it was just insane. Honestly, it took me a while to finish the book (a week and a half) because I somehow just felt in my gut that it was going to be a real tearjerker. When I say tearjerker, I’m not exaggerating. I cried a waterfall for a while, and I’ve never cried like that because of a book. My whole body was heating up like I had a fever, and it wasn’t fun. However, it was a very good love story, and I could definitely feel the genuine love that Rune and Poppy had for each other.


Overall, it was an amazing story, and I most certainly recommend it. If you’re somebody who loves childhood friends to lovers trope with no third party involved, then this book is absolutely for you. For more than half the book, it was just Rune and Poppy making memories together and showing their love for each other. It’s a definite must-read if you’ve never cried over a book before.  


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