
Looking for inspiration for your next read, movie, or video game? Here are some suggestions from our Teen Reviewers.

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My name is Emilio (Grade 10),  and I would rate the book Restart a 4/5 because it tells an interesting story while maintaining a sense of mystery. Restart is a mystery fiction novel created by the author Gordon Korman, and it brings you on an adventure of how amnesia can fully affect a person. Restart is a story about a boy, Chase Ambrose, who is hospitalized after falling off his roof and hurting his head. Now he has to suffer through amnesia and live life treated as a bully without knowing why they do that. It is packed with humor, tragedy, and joy, and it never fails to hook you in reading the next chapter. I like how every character is fleshed out, and it gives a new perspective to each and everyone that is introduced. It shows a new idea of what to think about the character, and it may change your mind about them, which I always appreciate. But even though it introduces you to many ideas, Restart never overwhelms you with too many. I may be a slow reader, and I can say that it manages to carry many topics/plot points without making you bored. Overall, I believe that Restart is a great book for people who are interested in books that fall into the mystery fiction genre. Although this book’s humor and dialogue are suited toward younger audiences, I still enjoyed it. The pacing, plot, and worldbuilding make this a joyful roller coaster that I would recommend.  


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