
Looking for inspiration for your next read, movie, or video game? Here are some suggestions from our Teen Reviewers.

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My name is Emilio (Grade 10) and Spider-man on the Playstation 4 is a faithful recreation of the old Spiderman series in the modern era. I would rate this game a 4/5 because of its fun mechanics and battle system. Spiderman PS4 is an action-adventure game developed by Insomniac games but published by Sony Interactive Entertainment for the Playstation 4. The plot relies on Peter Parker and his secret identity of Spider-man. He needs to keep his identity hidden from everyone while stopping any threats that attack his city. A man named Mr. Negative attempts to seize New York City’s underground criminals and intimidate the city by sending a deadly virus. What makes this game fun to play are the mechanics that are built around it. There are multiple ways to traverse the city whether it is web-swinging on buildings, running on walls, or doing aerial tricks. Multiple side-quests make you travel long distances forcing you to learn how to use these abilities. The sheer variety of weapons and their utility make battles my favourite part of the entire game. The acrobatics of Spiderman can allow you to slide under enemies and jump off walls, the gadgets can assist your creativity and there are many suits to change your skills. Although I think this is not a perfect game because the sneaking missions can get boring and lengthy and some side quests can feel tedious. But overall, I would recommend this game to any action-adventure fans or if you want to have a lot of fun.  


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