
Looking for inspiration for your next read, movie, or video game? Here are some suggestions from our Teen Reviewers.

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Best friends turned into best enemies after an uneventful homecoming dance, Zorie and Lennon make sure that they avoid each other at all costs. It also certainly benefits them that their families are modern day Capulets and Montagues. However their chances of avoiding each other any further goes south, when their mutual friends plan a camping trip, inviting both of them. And it goes even further south when they are left alone, stranded, in the wilderness. Left together they have to figure out how to get out of the camping site, while also fighting and trying to survive. As they travel further deeper into Northern California’s rugged backcountry, many unsaid feelings and secrets surface. 


This book was enjoyable to read but rather average. I had higher expectations because I love books about best friends turning into enemies because of a misunderstanding. It was a quick and predictable read. I didn’t like the main character, Zorie, very much but she was bearable. She’s someone who likes control and likes to plan things ahead and even though that’s an admirable trait, it sometimes gets annoying, especially when she gets panicked when things don’t go according to her plans. Even though Zorie was annoying at times, her banter with Lennon is off the charts. I really enjoyed reading their relationship. Zorie and Lennon are fleshed out equally with all their tendencies and unique personalities that makes them stand out. The dynamics between the two were definitely really cute.


This book is perfect for those who like reading cute young adult contemporary books. It’s also an educational book for those who want to go camping in the wilderness. It’s not even glossed over because there are a lot of dangerous scenarios presented in the book which were also given a logical solution


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