
Looking for inspiration for your next read, movie, or video game? Here are some suggestions from our Teen Reviewers.

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Right away I can see that this book is teaching children about fear and how to overcome it. It raises awareness about honey bees and why they are important to us; humans. I believe that the author of this book has immense knowledge about bees and how they are cared for. I even learned a thing or two from reading this book. The process that beekeepers use to take care of their bees and the fact that not all beekeepers do business in the middle of nowhere. The narrator also reads and speaks at a slow pace so children can understand what is happening in the story. The narrator shows emotions and expression through voice and I believe they do so brilliantly.


            We read the book from Kaia's perspective and we watch her recognize that although bees can seem scary at first, they can be cute. We can also see her develop her father’s habit of talking about bees non-stop that she complains about. Kaia is brave and is willing to overcome her fear of bees. Kaia is a character that childrens can learn from. It encourages children to be brave and to learn about things that may be frightening at first.


            The author explains what fear feels like in perfect detail. You can feel the emotions of Kaia as she struggles with learning how bee-keeping works. We can feel how Kaia is intrigued by the bees and how that is shut down when her fear increases because she gets hurt. However, because she is brave, Kaia knows her limits and continues to help her father behind the scenes. This teaches persistence and that fear cannot be overcome overnight. We can see that the experience of working with her father changes the way she perceives bees and that the fear has now been replaced with memories of spending time with family. 


            It is a good book that encourages bravery and can inspire children to become future bee-keepers.



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