
Looking for inspiration for your next read, movie, or video game? Here are some suggestions from our Teen Reviewers.

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            I have to say I am once again impressed with the author’s work. I have lots of things to praise from this comic book. I love that we, as readers, can see that everything can and should be questioned. The author honestly criticizes things in her surroundings that any other person would gloss over. She also speaks about sensitive topics in a cheeky and sarcastic way. She describes harsh reality in a way that people can appreciate. We can see the struggles of women not only internally, but also in social environments. 

            There are times when reading I truly wondered if somebody was documenting every interaction I've ever had. The comic is on-point with things that people think about but do not speak aloud on. Especially the internal monologues that we tend to have. The author broadens topics from over-thinking to the  difficulty of self-love. People with characteristics of the author such as being scatter-brained, or always being unproductive will fall in love with this comic as it intrigues readers and has them eagerly waiting for another volume.

            Later on in the book the author speaks her truth on how hard being an artist is on the internet. The difficulty that comes with putting yourself out there and receiving “criticism”- which she helps readers differentiate from just plain impudence. She explains that the internet is not the same as the one seen from a child’s perspective.  I found her views and advice especially helpful and comforting as an artist myself. I found room for improvement in my mentality about what I create and that is why I recommend this to everybody who is curious to understand. The comic truly is a chance to have some deep-thoughts about yourself, and the world we live in.


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