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Nancy Drew is this curious, critical and intelligent girl of 18 years old who loves solving mysteries with her friends and family. She lives with both her Father, who happens to be a criminal lawyer, and her Housekeeper, ever since her mother passed away when she was three years old. The types of mysteries that Nancy Drew solves are very intriguing, unpredictable and logical. Nancy usually helps her friends and family with challenging mysteries they need help with in and around where they live. An example of a previous case she helped with was helping her friend Emily with their Inn. She would usually travel and help serve justice to those in desperate need. Over the past books, Nancy has created many new friends, but has also formed some enemies. In this new plot, Nancy has two problems she needs to resolve. The first concerns literature (a very special set of books) that a lady named Mrs. Horace Merriam wanted an art dealer to sell for her, but she now suspiciously thinks that he could be a fraudster. The second has to do with the mysteriously missing statue. Nancy Drew not only moves from obstacle to obstacle but she has her family and friends to help her whenever she needs along the way. I really enjoyed how not only was there one story to focus on, but there were two. There were so many cliffhangers intertwined within each chapter of the book, which is why this series was so interesting to read. I would recommend this book to anyone who loves mysteries, puzzles and riddles. I would rate this book a 5/5, I loved it! 

 Rating 5/5


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