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Better Than the Movies

5/5 stars

Isabella, Gr.12

Better Than The Movies by Lynn Painter is a romantic comedy to be noticed by any young adult romance reader. Set in a small town, it acts as an ode to the underdog, the girls who are overlooked because they do not fit the conventional beauty standard. The novel follows Liz Buxbaum, a senior in high school, and a hopeless romantic and rom-com film expert. Much like other girls her age, she fantasizes about the moments she watches in Pretty Woman, How To Lose A Guy in 10 Days, and When Harry Met Sally. When reality doesn’t measure up, she finds herself giving up on relationships altogether.

True to her nature, Liz ends up developing a crush on her childhood friend who moved back into town, however, to get closer to him she has to get closer to her irritating boy-next-door, Wes. Their relationship quickly transcends enemies into something more. This book paints the awkward moments and the swoon-worthy ones with grace and flair. Like other coming-of-age novels, the main character overcomes an obstacle and in this case, Liz is overcoming her own flaws and learning how to own up for the

At its core, "Better Than the Movies" is a celebration of the transformative power of love. As Liz navigates the ups and downs of romance, she learns valuable lessons about herself, forgiveness, and the importance of embracing life's imperfections. Through her journey, Painter crafts a narrative that is as relatable as it is entertaining, resonating with anyone who has ever dared to believe in the magic of true love.


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