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Tuck Everlasting

Author: Natatlie Babbitt

Anna Grade 10

Rating 5/5


            The story is about a girl named Winnie who has very strict parents and feels trapped in her own backyard. She decides to explore the woods behind her house and meets a character named Jesse Tuck by a freshwater spring. The water in the spring is magical and when drunk, will keep you immortal. The Tuck family have all drank from the spring and are all over 100 years old.  Winnie is very conflicted about whether she should drink from the spring as well. The Tuck family try to stop her and try to convince her of all the good and bad things about living forever. The Tuck family kidnap her and take her on an adventure that allows Winnie to see life from their perspective.

            I really enjoyed this book because it gives a perspective on life and death and how it is important to live life to its fullest. There is a romance between Jesse and Winnie as well as a friendship with the Tuck family. There is also a character who tries to find the spring to profit off it and get rid of the Tuck family. It felt good to read that Winnie protects the Tuck family, as they had protected her.

            People who might want to read this book would be people who love romance stories as well as stories about friendship and trust. The book has life lessons and sees life from an interesting perspective.

            I would recommend reading this book because I really enjoyed the characters and the story. The characters helped and protected each other. I liked that it makes you think about death in a different way and positively encourages to live life to its fullest.


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