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Title: Deuces Down

Author: George R.R. Martin 

Reviewer : Neil Joshua Guevarra

Rated: 4/5


Deuces Down is a fantastic addition to the Wild Cards universe, providing a diverse range of stories that showcase the aces' full range of abilities. The variety of genres represented in the stories is one of the anthology's strengths. Some stories are action-packed, while others are more character-driven and explore the emotional toll of having superhuman abilities. The inclusion of various genres results in an engaging read that keeps the reader interested from beginning to end.

Another noteworthy aspect of Deuces Down is the writing quality. Each story is well-crafted, with a distinct voice and style that distinguishes it from the others. The authors in this anthology are all accomplished writers who know how to tell a good story. Their descriptive and evocative writing immerses the reader in the Wild Cards universe and brings the characters to life.

The characters in Deuces Down are also memorable, with each story featuring one or more aces for or against whom the reader can root. Some of the characters are familiar from previous Wild Cards books, while others are new additions to the universe. One of the most intriguing aspects of the Wild Cards universe is how the virus affects each individual differently, making each character unique and with their own story to tell.


Despite the anthology's diversity, Deuces Down is cohesive and feels like a unified whole. The stories are set in the same universe and share certain themes and elements, which helps to connect them. As a result, the anthology is greater than the sum of its parts, with each story building on the previous ones to form a larger narrative.

Overall, Deuces Down is an excellent addition to the Wild Cards series, providing a variety of compelling stories that highlight the universe's diversity. The anthology is well-written and entertaining, with a cast of memorable characters. It is a must-read for series fans and an excellent introduction to the Wild Cards universe for new readers.


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