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Title: Death draws five

Authors: George R.R. Martin and John Jos. Miller

Reviewer: Neil


Rated: 4/5 


One of the strengths of Death Draws Five is the Western theme, which is executed well and adds an interesting twist to the science fiction elements of the story. The blend of Western and science fiction creates a unique atmosphere that is both familiar and new. The descriptions of the old west are vivid and well-crafted, and the action scenes are well-choreographed.

The characters are well-developed, with distinct personalities and motivations. The exploration of character relationships in Death Draws Five is a major strength of the book, adding a layer of complexity and emotional depth to the action-packed plot. The characters are well-developed and have distinct personalities, making them interesting and relatable to readers. The aces, in particular, are fascinating and often unpredictable, with powers that range from the deadly to the bizarre. The main antagonist, Gregg Hartmann, is a compelling character, with a complex personality and a dangerous power that makes him a formidable opponent. The dialogue between the characters is clever and amusing, adding humor and levity to the sometimes dark and intense plot.

However, as mentioned, the plot of Death Draws Five is sometimes predictable, with twists that are easy to see coming. Additionally, some characters are less well-developed than others, and readers who are unfamiliar with the Wild Cards universe may struggle to understand the significance of certain events and characters. 

Despite its flaws, Death Draws Five is a good addition to the Wild Cards series, and fans of the series will enjoy the Western-themed adventure. While not Martin's best work, it is still a solid piece of science fiction with engaging characters and a unique blend of genres.


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