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November 9 by Colleen Hoover

Parina – Grade 12

Rating: 4.5/5

This novel focuses around two characters Fallon, an ex-child start, and Ben, an aspiring writer. The two meet unexpectedly before Fallon must leave for a flight. Sparks fly, but Fallon’s departure couldn’t have happened at a worst time. Fallon and Ben agree to meet next year on November 9th, and despite living separate lives, they continue to meet on the same date every year.

I absolutely love this novel. The concept of meeting once every year was interesting and different than a lot of novels on the market, and the plot twists kept me on my feet. Colleen Hoover’s book are so well-written and engaging from the moment you read them. Like most of her books, I couldn’t put this down! This book moves really quickly. I decided to give this book a 4.5 out of 5 stars because it was amazing, but at times, I was really frustrated with the characters. 

I highly recommend this novel to anyone who likes romance novels and a little suspense. This is a fast read; I read it in one sitting. I would recommend this to anyone who also likes fast-paced books as well.


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