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Turning Red

Directed By: Domee Shi

Alyssa, Grade 12


Turning Red stars Rosalie Chiang and Sandra Oh voicing the two main characters; Meilin and Ming. Melin is a 13-year-old girl going through all the changes one would as one becomes a teenager. Ming is very protective of her daughter, so when she notices the changes that Meilin is going through, she tries to stop them from happening as she wants to hold onto her little girl forever. The movie starts off with Meilin and her friends finding out that the boy band that they love called 4*town is coming to their city, but Meilin’s mom doesn’t seem to agree with the idea that they should go. Ming thinks that 4*town is introducing ideas that may eliminate Meilin’s innocence and wants Meilin to stay her little girl forever. This behavior from Ming causes Meilin to lash out at her mother saying that she doesn’t want to be the so-called ‘perfect daughter’ that Ming wants. On top of Meilin having to go through many changes as she is now beginning to become a woman, there is one tiny little problem. This problem is that whenever Meilin gets too excited, she somehow turns into a big fluffy red panda. What family secrets have yet to be uncovered? 

In my opinion, Turning Red is a fantastic movie as it really does touch on the ups and downs of being a female teenager. This movie is rated PG because some topics may be brought up that little kids may not know of.


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