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atched: Ally Condie 

Reviewed by Fatima, Grade 11

Rating: 3/5

Genre: Romance, Suspense, Adventure


Plot Summary: Cassia Reyes lives in a futuristic, utopian world in which the government controls the citizens' lives. At a certain age, citizens go through the process of being "matched" which is being paired with another boy/girl in the system.


This book was written in a good manner. Although it was a tad bit idle and it took me personally much longer to keep reading, it was a nice read. It has a lot of plot twists and the backstories of the characters are written incredibly satisfactorily. Though I think the author got really caught up with the details, the book ended up being slow. The book's plot is certainly enjoyable, everyone loves a good tacky romance with a hint of a love triangle. Teens like myself would get a kick out of this book but it will take some time for them to get themselves to read it. Even if it is slow there is still a lot this novel conveys. I believe that this novel talks about how we should cherish what we have. People nowadays have different lifestyles and live different lives, whether easier or difficult. We should be happy with what we have rather than greedy and try to attain more. 


My favourite character in this book has to be Ky. He has a complex and strong side to him which makes him such a mysterious character. He is known as a strong character with a tragic backstory which only helps him improve in the novel. This gives a message to the audience that the past does not distinguish who you are, and that you can learn from it and be more promising.


The way words are used in the book is very expressive. You can make an image in your head as clear as air. This novel has nearly a similar genre to Hunger Games or Divergent, where civilians live in a society where they have no voice. So people who appreciate those kinds of books, Matched would please them in that area. 


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