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Reviewed by Fatima, Grade 11

Rating: 4/5

Genre: Romance, Suspense, Adventure


Plot Summary: Nora Grey, is an average high school student when one day her Biology teacher rearranges the class seating and which causes her to sit next to the dangerously-looking new kid, Patch Cipriano.


This novel is what every romance book admirer should read. Every page you flip will make you sit at the edge of your seat wanting to be a part of the story. This twisted yet forbidden love story between a devious fallen angel and a mortal is heart racing. The characters are written so competently, when reading the book you can understand and feel what each character is going through. Making tough choices, having to pick between what you want and what you need. This tale isn't only about romance, the plot is so intriguing. As you read more and more of the novel, you uncover so much about the plot which makes you shocked. The plot is also mixed with surprises, you discover so many new things that you would've never guessed on your own. This novel will hook you in the first 10 pages and enough for you to finish all the books in the series. 


The book addresses making hard decisions and difficulties one must go through when going the right way in life. Readers like myself were able to connect right away to the novel and attach to how some of the characters felt for a moment. 


Hush, Hush is a fast-paced novel and it's a book I would reread over and over again. The book reminds me of Twilight by Stephenie Meyers a bit but instead of vampires you got fallen angels. So any Twilight fans would very much enjoy this novel. 


Sometimes the way the character's mind works appears to be extremely unreal but it just adds to the idea that minds work in many different ways and that perhaps in that situation you would’ve done something else than what the character did. 


I would recommend this book to anybody interested in suspense, romance and adventure. I think this book portrays all of those genres nicely. 


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