Suggest an eBook or eAudiobook

Suggest an eBook or eAudiobook title

The library offers eBooks and downloadable eAudiobooks through two platforms:  

1) cloudLibrary - This collection of eBooks and eAudiobooks includes all eBooks and eAudiobook titles purchased by the library, and as a bonus, offers access to items from over 25 other Ontario Libraries through cloudLinking when the items are not in use by their patrons. If a title you would like is not available in cloudLibrary (i.e. Kindle only titles), we are not able to purchase the title.  You must sign in to cloudLibrary in order to make a suggestion.  See detailed instructions below and read this FAQ for more information.

2) Hoopla - This collection of eBooks and eAudiobooks is a set collection and individual libraries cannot purchase, add, or remove individual titles from Hoopla. 

How do I suggest an eBook or downloadable audiobook title for purchase?

In both the cloudLibrary desktop and mobile apps, go to Filters and select the Suggestions for Library view.  Search for your desired titles and click on the Suggest to Library button.  Each account may suggest 2 titles for purchase each month.

Why doesn’t the library have the book I want to read in eBook or downloadable audiobook format?

Some major publishers are not yet making their eBooks and eAudiobooks available to public libraries and others have placed special conditions on them. This means that sometimes we will have the print copy of a book but we will not have the eBook version.  Sometimes we may be able to purchase the eBook but not the downloadable audiobook.

The library is also limited in where we can purchase eBooks and eAudiobooks.  For example, we cannot purchase eBooks in the Kindle mobi format for shared borrowing.  The same book can have different publishers in Canada and the U.S. so you may see an eBook on an American library's website that is not available to Canadian libraries.  Of the eBooks and eAudiobooks we can buy, the library price is sometimes three or five times more than the consumer price, resulting in fewer copies for library readers.

The eBook market is constantly evolving, so stay tuned for updates. Ontario public libraries continue to advocate for improved access to e-content from all publishers. Our goal is to provide universal access to eBooks for all library customers, which is particularly important given the rapidly growing demand for this content.

Why didn’t the library purchase the title I recommended?

Content is acquired in adherence to our Collection Development Policy. We welcome title suggestions and consider them an important part of our selection process. However, a suggestion may be declined for a number of reasons, including:

  • Cost
  • Unsuitable format
  • Poor reviews or no reviews
  • Newer titles available on subject
  • The library owns another edition of the title
  • Title is available in an existing compilation
  • Subject is already well covered in the collection
  • Out of scope of the collection, e.g. too academic or specialized

Note:  If a title cannot be found using the "Recommend to Library" feature, the library cannot purchase the title (i.e. Amazon Kindle mobi books).  Additional eBooks and downloadable audiobooks are available to borrow through Hoopla.