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The Barrie Public Library was featured in the Association of Fundraising Professionals' (AFP) Gifts That Last magazine! From the article: 

Jessica Wang, Director of Land Development for Great Summit Development has such fond memories of growing up at the library. It’s just one of the reasons she spearheaded a major donation in support of Barrie’s new Holly Community Library Branch.

Jessica’s passion for libraries shone when she reached out to Councillor Gary Harvey who introduced her to the Holly branch initiative. Proudly waving her library card she says, “When I was 12 my family immigrated to Canada and didn’t speak English - the library was my sanctuary and a place where I could access information on just about every subject imaginable. The new Holly branch was a natural fit for our company to get involved. I know it sounds cliché but giving back to your community is a good thing to do, but it’s also the right thing to do.”

Great Summit Development, which has housing developments in Barrie under the name H & H Capital Group, is proud to give back to the community they serve.
“Our clear social mission is to connect with the local community and to act locally while thinking globally,” says Jessica. “Our company H & H stands for “home and heart.” We build homes with heart and community involvement is at the heart of what we do."

Jessica adds: “It’s important to us to support libraries as they are a welcoming learning resource, we can all lean on, regardless of our age. Libraries teach, engage, inspire, and connect us to music, art, science, health and wellness and more.”

The Holly Community Library Branch, a 4,500 square foot boutique library space, is slated to open late spring, and will be located at 555 Essa Road, Unit 17 in Barrie.

Christopher Vanderkruys, Director of Business & Development for the Library (BPL) explains: “We’re proud to extend our offerings through this innovative space! Holly increases accessibility to library collections, programs & services as well as our ‘Library of Things’ featuring unique items like musical instruments, snowshoes, and fi shing rods. BPL is incredibly grateful for Great Summit Development’s generosity.”

Jessica states: “Today’s library is so much more than books. It makes me proud that Great Summit Development has the opportunity to help extend library services to even more people in Barrie.”

For more information on Great Summit Development and H & H Capital Group, visit and Barrie Public Library at 

Read the article in AFP's Gifts That Last magazine on pages 18-19.

Screen clipping of AFP Magazine article


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