3D Printing

Please note that the 3D Printers are unavailable until further notice. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Get creative and print anything from figures, phone holders, and jewelry to key chains and basic prototypes. 3D printers use filaments to print, which are plastics (aka polymers) that can be shaped and moulded when heated and solidified when cooled.

How to Use the 3D Printers

The 3D printers are not available for drop-in use. Bookings include access to the machines and necessary materials only. While staff are generally available for quick questions and assisting with machine setup, they will not be available to walk you through an entire project from beginning to end. You can book the 3D printers using the Online Booking page.

  • Cost: $1.00/hour
  • Location: Downtown
  • Bookable: Yes


Ultimaker 3

The Ultimaker 3 is an innovative dual extrusion machine with a build area of 215.9 x 215.9 x 203.2 mm. Our 3D printers use PLA filament of 1.75 mm (+/- 0.5) with a 0.4 mm nozzle. Note that only library-provided filaments and materials can be used in our printers.

  • Cost: $1.00/hour
  • Location: Downtown
  • Bookable: Currently first-come, first-served


Ultimaker 3S

A small but mighty dual extrusion 3D printer with a building space of 230 x 190 x 200 mm. Our 3D printers use PLA filament of 1.75 mm (+/- 0.5) with a 0.4 mm nozzle. Note that only library-provided filaments and materials can be used in our printers.

  • Cost: $1.00/hour
  • Location: Downtown
  • Bookable: Currently first-come, first-served



Ultimaker’s design software, available on all public workstations in the library. Use a computer in Creative Spaces to send your print from Cura to the 3D printer or save to a USB to run the print job. Compatible formats include .STL and .OBJ files.

For designing, Sketchup or TinkerCAD are used to teach the basics of 3D design. Try Thingiverse to find new designs and upload your own. There you will find an ever-expanding collection of designs that are free to download and print for yourself.

  • Cost: Free
  • Location: Downtown


Visit our Online Learning Guides page to access step-by-step instructions and video tutorials.