
Looking for inspiration for your next read, movie, or video game? Here are some suggestions from our Teen Reviewers.

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This book starts off with a young girl named Kristy whose mother needs a babysitter for her younger brother one day. Kristy seems to be busy this day and so do her brothers, as her mom worryingly calls anyone who’s available to look after her younger son, Kristy has one of her great ideas, to make a babysitting club where all of the members would gather and have meetings weekly and people would call and offer them jobs. Kristy decides to talk to her best friend about the idea first, her name is Mary Anne, she agrees and they look for more members. Eventually, the babysitters club has, (1) Kristy Thomas as president (2) Claudia Kishi, who’s an old friend of Kristy (3) Stacy McGill, who’s a friend of Claudia and the new girl who’s moved from New York and (4) Mary Anne. They build new friendships with each other along with new experiences with their jobs and the people they meet. I think this book is good as it teaches young kids and teens about experiences and lessons to be learnt such as caring about one another’s feelings, to have determination and achieve your goals and overall, being a good version of yourself. This book delivers the message in a light hearted and easy way. The book was a little dull and  simple for my liking but overall it’s a lighthearted book that’s doesn’t have a complicated or large plot to it and overall stays simple to read, suitable for pre-teens, children or younger teens. 


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