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It Ends With Us

Colleen Hoover

Zahra, 10



“It Ends With Us” is a novel written by Colleen Hoover. It is a story that follows Lily, a girl from a small town in Maine, where she had grown up. She then graduated from college and moved to Boston to start her own business. She finds a handsome neurosurgeon on the rooftop of a building, Ryle Kindcaid, and her life seems too good to be true. She faces challenges along the way when her ex from Maine, reappears in the novel, Atlas Corrigan. The novel follows the journey through all the ups and downs in all of Lily’s life. 


Wow, what a perfect book. It is now my new favourite. I have been recommended this book by one of my friends, and it definitely didn’t disappoint. It has also been extremely popular on Tiktok, so I decided to give it a try. This book hands down is the best I have ever read. I have never really felt that a book is perfect, I would normally find minor or even one thing that I would change, but this book was perfect. It is a romantic book that has an overall deep meaning. I loved everything about this book from the well written little details, to all the characters and the overall meaning of this novel. Nothing in the book  disappointed me, it only exceeded my expectations. I don’t know how to describe the way the book has made me feel. It was a rollercoaster of emotions. A book has never made me feel so much emotion and connection at the same time.I was deeply engaged in the book, I practically finished it within a couple of days.  It is such a powerful and meaningful book that I was completely invested. I have heard extremely good things about Colleen Hoover’s writing pieces and finally gave one a try and I cannot wait to read the rest of her books. 

I would recommend this book to anyone over the age of 14. It is now my all time favourite and will continue to recommend it to friends. I would say to be 14 and up in order to read it because it does mention touchy subjects that may not be suitable for the younger audiences.


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