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Howl’s Moving Castle
Grade 12
Based on a novel of the same name by Diana Wynne Jones, Hayao Miyazaki
directed Howl’s Moving Castle, an animated fantasy movie. The film follows Sophie, a
young and self-proclaimed ugly girl who helps run a hat shop. One day, she runs into a
handsome, charming, yet mysterious wizard named Howl. Consequently, the jealous
Wicked Witch of the Waste curse Sophie, turning her into a brittle, aged woman.
Abandoning her previous dull life for adventure, she climbs aboard Howl’s moving castle
bent on breaking the curse.
Frankly, I have been fond of Howl’s Moving Castle ever since childhood, and it is
one of my favourite movies ever. However, after watching it again recently, I have
acknowledged its flaws but still, recognize its merit. From an artistic perspective, it is
simply beautiful and radiates warmth. The original soundtrack by Joe Hisaishi is
legendary; please listen to Merry-Go-Round of Life even if you do not watch this movie.
The animation fluctuates between delicate and exhilarating but always retains a
complexion of liveliness, grace, and elegance. The character designs are distinct and
evolve to demonstrate physical, emotional, and mental changes. Although related,
Howl’s Moving Castle slightly shifts its lens away from the horrible external atrocities
and emphasizes the personal growth of the cast. In this light, the movie reminds the
viewer of their capacity to overcome their struggles and appreciate almost mundane
occurrences during times of darkness. One of the most spectacular qualities of this film
is that it deviates from the novel at points but manages to carve out its own identity as a
well-rounded piece of entertainment and artistry, which is quite rare. Although, the
character development may seem silly, nonsensical, or unrealistically rapid sometimes.
Also, the insertion of plot points may feel forced and cause the plotline to be messy or
unrealistic for some people. As these may be detrimental, I could not rate this film
higher than four stars.
I recommend this movie to those who love a solid and gorgeous fantasy story
that balances steampunk/mechanical and natural elements. In addition, it is an excellent
gateway anime as it is not too over-the-top, carries aspects that are relatable to
international audiences, and the English dub/voiceover is pretty good! Combined with its
feel-good and romanticized atmosphere, Howl’s Moving Castle is like a form of
comforting escapism, similar to having home-cooked soul food after being away from
home for a while. I think in this day and age, most people of any age range need a dose
of child-like whimsy in their lives to remind themselves of the good in our world.


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