
Looking for inspiration for your next read, movie, or video game? Here are some suggestions from our Teen Reviewers.

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“Jungle Cruise” is a disney fantasy movie released late July. It is an adventure/action movie about Dr. Lily Houghton needed to take a boat through the amazon. She travels with skipper Frank Wolff in his “run down” boat. Together they travel to amazon to find an ancient tree that has the power to heal and will change medicine forever. Along the way, they face many challenges as they take their difficult journey. Actors Dwayne Jonson, Emily Blunt and Jack Whitehall play the three main characters. 


I would rate this movie a 2/5. Although it had some great actors playing the main characters, I was somewhat disappointed. Firstly, compared to the many other jungle related movies Dwayne Johnson has been in, this was definitely the worst one. The storyline was a bit dull and didn’t live up to my expectations. Towards the end of the movie, I got quite bored and wasn’t really sure about the concept. Although I didn’t like it, many children under my age did. They found it fun and exciting to watch. I would understand why they would like this movie, as it is targeted towards them. Other jungle movies that Dwayne Johnson was in like Journey 2 and Jumanji 1 and 2, were more for my age group, hence why we didn’t enjoy it as much. 


I would probably recommend this movie to children 8 and under. It is a fun movie to watch, and I feel like that age group will enjoy it the most. People older than that won’t enjoy it as much as it's mostly targeted for that age group.



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