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Dir. Christopher Nolan


Grade 9


Dom Cobb, played by Leonardo DiCaprio, is an expert at obtaining others' secrets through their dreams. Inception is definitely one of my favourite Christophor Nolan movies because it's easier to comprehend in comparison to some of his other movies like Interstellar. It does have a new character who learns this process of stealing from the subconscious mind with dream-sharing technology, so you can follow along to understand this complex idea. This movie, like many Christopher Nolan movies, is mind-bending and thought provoking. In the movie they do the impossible and it makes this movie that much better and that much more entertaining. Cobb is a very mysterious character who doesn’t share too much about himself, but over the course of the movie he opens up and we learn about his past with Ariadne. It’s a phenomenal movie with a great plot and lots of twists and turns and some really good actors like Leonardo DiCaprio, Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Tom Hardy. I’d suggest 12+ just because it can be confusing and a little difficult to understand. Other than that it's a pretty good family movie. The last scene kind of throws you off and keeps you wondering even though the movie is over. I would give it a 4.5/5 because it has a good storyline but I got a bit confused here and there but by the end it made sense. This movie really is a great one. You should check it out, as it’s won 4 Oscars and it’s been nominated 220 times for other awards. 



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