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Eighth Grade

Directed by Bo Burnham

Jenna, grade 12

Rating: 4/5


Bo Burnham’s popularity is suddenly on the rise from his new Netflix special called Inside. However, Bo Burnham does not only create hilarious comedy specials, he also wrote and directed a movie called Eighth Grade! Eighth Grade stars a young, awkward girl named Kayla Day (Elsie Fisher). Kayla is finishing up her last week of a bad eighth-grade year. She must deal with her crippling social anxiety, the pressure from kids at school, and her lack of self-confidence. 

This movie would initially seem like a stereotypical coming-of-age high school movie, however, it is the most relatable and authentic movie for a young person. There are so many good pieces to this movie that show the real life of a teenager, it almost feels like a documentary. They use real teens, not 30-year-olds pretending to be 15 years old. They talk like real teenagers, they use social media, and they’re awkward and uncomfortable. Many people may find it cringey and “trying too hard” but that is the point. Being in eighth grade is uncomfortable, and children at that age say cringey things.

I really love that they show an authentic life of a teenager. Nobody is a supermodel, they’re awkward, they may struggle with mental health, their lives are imperfect.

 I also appreciate the music embedded within the movie. It is simply electronic melodies but they fit so well in the movie. They build tension, create drama, and help further examine a character's emotional response.

This movie is not one with tons of action and fast pace, but it is real and emotional and that is why one would appreciate it so much.  I would recommend this movie to any young person who deals with anxiety of any kind or self-image issues. This movie demonstrates these kinds of struggles and shows that it is a part of life but does not have to dictate your life. I also believe it can create some nostalgia for people a bit older because this movie depicts very common experiences and emotions that may be shared among the viewers. Another group of people I would recommend this movie to is new Bo Burnham fans. As I stated before, Bo Burnham is rising in popularity because of his Netflix special and people are loving it. So I would say if you are going on a Bo Burnham binge, check out Eighth Grade! Bo Burnham does not appear in the movie, however, he put so much effort into this movie, you can't miss it!


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