
Looking for inspiration for your next read, movie, or video game? Here are some suggestions from our Teen Reviewers.

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The Summer I Turned Pretty is a complicated romance story that is the first in a series of three. This book has a great pace to it, and very rarely will you find a part that leaves you bored. It tells the story of a love triangle between a girl and two brothers, whom she’s known her entire life. This book also includes many flashback scenes, which allow you to see how the characters grew up over time. I would describe this book as a complicated romance that discusses a variety of topics. Topics can vary from romance to many others, which I cannot mention since they would be spoilers. Many might also recognize this book from the TV show that was created based on it. This book is very similar to the show; however, it also includes many details that weren’t mentioned in the show. The book allows you to see the characters through a whole new perspective that we weren’t able to see them through in the show, especially with the addition of new flashback scenes. This book is especially great for anyone who is looking for an interesting series to read. The ending of the book almost ties off the entire story but doesn’t completely, which leaves many loose threads that leave readers wondering what is going to happen next. In the end, anyone who is looking for a romance series should definitely read this book. Additionally, anyone who is a fan of the TV series should also read this, since it allows you to see the characters from a completely different perspective. Rated 4/5 stars


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