
Looking for inspiration for your next read, movie, or video game? Here are some suggestions from our Teen Reviewers.

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The Proposal

Directed by Anne Fletcher


Kelly Kennedy grade 9

I would rate this movie 5 out of 5 without a doubt.  The movie is about a female book editor, Margaret, who was working for a book publishing company in America. Margaret is a Canadian with an expired visa and in order to remain working for her company in America she blackmailed her assistant, offering him a promotion something in return that would allow her to remain living and working in America.


I loved this movie. It made me laugh hysterically to the point where I felt like I couldn’t breath and like I had just completed an entire ab workout.  My favorite characters are Gammy and Ramone because they have the best sense of humor and are a couple of my favorite actors to watch on screen.  My least favourite character is the assistant's, Andrew’s dad because I didn't like the way he behaved towards Margaret and Andrew in front of all their family and friends.  I didn’t like the way treated his son throughout most of the movie.  I liked watching the relationship between Margaret and Andrew’s family's new puppy.  It was a cute little white ball of fur and for whatever reason Margaret was afraid of the cutie patootie which made for good laughs throughout the movie.


I would recommend this movie for anyone over the age of ten and up and for anyone who is up for nonstop laughter and a complete ab workout to boot.  My cheeks and abdominal muscles were still sore days after watching this movie.


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